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C Squared Educational Consulting & Advocacy provides services as individualized as their clients. Our experienced team walks families through every step of the special education process. Our focus on collaboration helps parents understand a school perspective and develop an understanding of customary practices in special education. C Squared aims to help families feel effective and confident in supporting their child and working with schools. See below for a description of family support services:  


  • Free Consultation
    C Squared offers a free consultation up to 30 minutes to learn more about each family's individual needs and explore how C Squared can best support them. Send a message using our contact form or call (773) 649-6022 to schedule a consult
  • Starting the IEP Process
    This service is for families who are considering starting or just beginning the special education process. C Squared advocates provide information and guidance on: Educating parents on commonly used jargon and acronyms What questions to ask and data to collect What information to include in letters to the school How to formally initiate the IEP evaluation process Including timelines for moving forward Helpful resources and information on parent and student rights, known as Procedural Safeguards Common pitfalls to avoid
  • Document Review
    The C Squared team is available to review documents relating to a child’s individual education plan and make recommendations on next steps. This might include review of: The IEP or 504 document IEP report card Work samples from class School based evaluation reports Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) reports Communication between school and parents​​​
  • Prep for IEP or 504 Meetings
    C Squared advocates help families prep for upcoming IEP or 504 meetings. In addition to the services described under Document Review, preparing for an IEP meeting might include: Prep for initial or annual IEP and 504 meetings, triennial domain and team meetings, and all informal team meetings Guidance on what information and data to request ahead of the meeting Information on appropriate timelines for receiving documents Working with parents to clarify what they believe is needed for their child to continue to make progress Help parents identify their primary concerns Help develop language to best convey parent’s perspective to school teams
  • IEP Meeting Attendance
    Bringing an advocate to an IEP meeting ensures that families have a trusted third party whose priority is the family and child's needs. In addition to the services describe in document review and meeting prep above, IEP meeting attendance might include: Recording notes and observations throughout the meeting Pausing meeting to check for understanding and clarity Help convey to the team what supports parents believe their child needs in order to make progress Explain to parents how Least Restrictive Environment requirement applies to their child's case Ask for and review baseline data Provide input on goals with a focus on SMART goals that are appropriate and appropriately challenging Post-meeting download to reflect on meeting and plan next steps Educate and coach parents pre- and post- meeting, helping parents gain confidence in their own advocacy skills
  • Behavioral Management Consultation
    Disruptive behaviors often take center stage, creating an urgency to stop the behaviors above all else. C Squared provides expert insight and recommendations into understanding and addressing undesirable behaviors, including: Review relevant documents Help understand when a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is appropriate Provide input into the resulting Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) Classroom observations Work with parents and school team to identify appropriate behavior supports and suggest adjustments based on data
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